Court of Appeal Session Opens in Arua
Hon. Justice Steven B K Kavuma the Hon. Deputy Chief Justice
The Deputy\r\nChief Justice, Hon. Justice Steven Kavuma opened the first ever Court of Appeal\r\nsession in Arua District.
\r\nHon. Justice Kavuma said with the increasing\r\nnumber of Justices, the sessions will become frequent.
\r\nThe session will take place in Arua and will be\r\npresided over by three Hon. Justices namely Hon. Justice Remmy Kasule, Hon. Lady\r\nJustice Hellen Obura and Hon. Justice Simon Mugyenyi Byabakama will hear 50\r\nappeal cases from the region until April 30, 2016.
\r\n"This is the first ever Court of Appeal session in\r\nthis region. We try to take appellant jurisdiction and service nearer to the\r\npeople. You can imagine how expensive and cumbersome it is for someone to\r\nappeal in Kampala,” Hon. Justice Kavuma said.
\r\nHe also revealed that the Judiciary was looking at\r\nthe possibility of decentralizing the Court of Appeal to regions so that the\r\npeople can get Justice in view of increasing population and level of awareness\r\namong citizens to resolve conflicts through courts.
\r\nHe, however, expressed dismay over the high number\r\nof defilement cases which account for 55 per cent of the appeal cases which the\r\ncourt is to hear, saying research needs to be done to establish the cause.
\r\nThe resident High Court Judge, hon. Justice\r\nVincent Okwanga, appealed to the Deputy Chief Justice to give a consideration\r\nto Judicial Officers who come to work in the region.
\r\n"Many officers fear to work up country. Judicial Officers\r\nwho come to work in this area need motivation. My Lord, remember those who have\r\ncome to work here and offer them some incentives so that they are committed to\r\ntheir job,” Hon. Justice Okwanga said.
\r\nMs Elizabeth Driciru, a resident of Arua town and\r\nrelative to one of the plaintiffs, expressed relief at the sitting of the\r\nsession, saying it had saved the family a lot of money. "This has saved us a\r\nlot of money and resources but I wish the session could be here longer because\r\nI know many people who have appealed.
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Posted 20th, April 2016